Red Tent: Virtual Women's Circle
Do you desire to live in cyclical alchemy, connected to your womb space?
Are you ready to give up hustle culture, and instead flow with the feminine waters of your natural energy?
Do you desire pain-free periods, hormonal balance, and the knowledge to LISTEN deeply to your body and KNOW what to do?
I invite you to the Red Tent, where we weave womb wisdom, cyclical alchemy, and sacred sensuality practices. This community is where we learn how to live fully embodied in our feminine power, how to fully LISTEN to our body.
A Red Tent women’s circle is a safe haven from the masculine world, a portal which exists for women to show up authentically in who they are and be witnessed fully in themselves. The Red Tent is a sanctuary for women to honor their feminine energy, share their stories, and engage in rituals that celebrate womanhood. In ancient days, women would bleed together in the Red Tent, whereas today we all flow in our own cycles. They lived in connection with the cycles of their body, of the moon, and of nature. Theirs lives were in devotion to PLEASURE. It wasn't a question, pleasure is our birthright. These women lived attuned to the pleasure in their womb, in their body, and created the live they desired through their sacred sexuality.
Let us co-create a modern version of this together.
This is a space for non-menstruating and menstruating women to gather in sisterhood. We all the power of cycles within us, regardless of whether we have a menstrual cycle.
The Red Tent is FREE online Facebook group whereby you have the opportunity EACH MONTH to join a Red Tent community Zoom Call where you have the power to learn cyclical alchemy with nature and the moon, how to track your menstrual cycle or body cycles, womb massage, breast massage, yoni steaming, nervous system regulation, hormonal balance, sacred sexuality practices...and MORE! Each month we will focus on a different topic, and I will be posting the theme in the Facebook Group .
PLUS the Facebook Group EXISTS so that you can integrate and share wisdom with other women in this space.

Individual Red Tent Session
Try out the Red Tent through booking your first session. In this, you will get a taste of how of the practices above and try out a Red Tent session. This is great if you just want to dip your toes in and see if this work is aligned for you.

3 Sessions Package + 1 FREE
You are READY to commit to embodiment. You are here to live in communion with your body's natural cycles. The 4 sessions can be used anytime within a 6 month period. PLUS you will receive 1 bottle of womb massage oil,1 set of yoni steaming herbs, and 1 portion of cacao.

6 sessions PLUS 2 FREE
Let's GO ALL IN BABY! This is for the women who are truly devoted to making THIS YEAR the one of embodiment. You are here for the consistent sisterhood, to deeply know your cycles, and manifest the life of your dreams through cyclical alchemy. You will receive 1 bottle of womb massage oil, 2 sets of yoni steam herbs, and 2 portions of cacao.